Who we are

The story of Leeds Business College

It is the aim of Leeds College is to assist learners in the actualization of their potential. Prospective learners are advised that the level of academic activity at Leeds College is challenging. Evaluation of learners takes place on a continuous basis and they must be prepared for frequent and meaningful testing.

Not only does the school expect a responsible approach to academic work, but it also expects the learners to identify themselves with the College in its many extra-curricular activities.

The College also requires a high standard of manners, tidiness and deportment for learners' own sakes as well as out of respect for the uniform the learners wear. We intend to maintain the good image of this school at all times.


Leeds College strives to offer an holistic education to all: that is, to develop academic and Provide an environment which encourages the growth of spiritual and social values. The school aims to be the means of empowering learners to take their place in the economy in a well-disciplined, productive and enterprising manner.


To be committed to training students to be confident in both their faith and their education and prepares our learners to read insightfully, think critically, solve problems logically, and communicate effectively. To equips our learners to make good decisions, grounded in the faith; to face the challenges of the real world, without being sheltered from them; and to impact others for God’s glory.


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OUR Team

Meet the people who make it all happen

Bonita Brunner


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Louis Smith

Department Head

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